英文翻譯中文, Thanks?
2015-11-27 17:46:28 UTC
Radiological Findings:

There is loss of normal cervical lordosis. Kyphosis is also noted.

Bony density is normal.

Degenerative changes are present with narrowing of C5/6 & C7/T1 disc spaces and osteophyte formation from C4 to C7. The intervertebral foramina are patent.

The facet joints are normally aligned.

There is no vertebral collapse or cervical rib present.

The retropharyngeal soft tissue is of normal thickness. Ossification of the ligamentum nuchae is noted.

The lung apices are clear apart from minor apical thickening.

The thoracic spine visualized appears normal.


Mild to moderate cervical spondylosis.
No foraminal stenosis is found.
No collapsed fracture or bony destruction is found.
三 答案:
2015-12-04 06:43:26 UTC
Radiological Findings: X光發現

There is loss of normal cervical lordosis. Kyphosis is also noted.

頸椎失去造成的前彎弧度 明顯駝背

Bony density is normal. 骨質密度正常

Degenerative changes are present with narrowing of C5/6 & C7/T1 disc spaces and osteophyte formation from C4 to C7. The intervertebral foramina are patent.

C5/6 C7/ T1椎間隙窄化出現退行性變化 C 4至C 7形成骨刺 椎間孔明顯

The facet joints are normally aligned. 小面關節正常對正

There is no vertebral collapse or cervical rib present. 無椎體塌陷或頸肋

The retropharyngeal soft tissue is of normal thickness. Ossification of the ligamentum nuchae is noted.

咽後軟組織厚度正常 項韌帶明顯骨化

The lung apices are clear apart from minor apical thickening. 肺尖未見些微的頂增厚現象

The thoracic spine visualized appears normal. 胸椎看來正常


Mild to moderate cervical spondylosis. 輕度至中度的頸椎病

No foraminal stenosis is found. 未發現椎間孔狹窄

No collapsed fracture or bony destruction is found. 未發現崩塌性骨折或骨組織破壞
2015-11-29 23:25:44 UTC
請問有簡單的, 容易讓人明白的翻譯嗎?
2015-11-27 19:49:46 UTC
這是我在GOOgle翻譯 , 幫你查到的 , 日後你有需要也可以去那邊查https://tw.answers.yahoo.com/dir/index

X線表現:有正常的頸椎生理曲度的損失。駝背還注意到。骨的密度是正常的。退行性變化表現為縮小C5/6 C7/ T1椎間隙及骨贅形成,從C4到C7。椎間孔的專利。小面關節,通常對準。沒有椎體塌陷或頸肋存在。咽後軟組織是正常的厚度。韌帶nuchae骨化指出。在肺尖清楚除了輕微的頂增厚。胸椎可視化顯示正常。註釋:輕度至中度的頸椎病。沒有椎間孔狹窄的發現。沒有倒塌的骨折或骨破壞被發現。

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